About Me

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East Providence, RI, United States
I am the proud gramma of a beautiful 10-year- old girl named Hailee. Her Pappa and I started this site so she can follow us as we travel throughout different states on our vacations. Now that she is older and we are able to travel the country with her, this will be a site for all of our friends and family to join us on our adventures throughout the USA

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi Again,
Well our trip is half way over! See, Hailee, we are on our way back now. Boo Hoo. I miss everyone back home, but we really are having a wonderful time.

Left Ohio this morning around 10 am. It was a very very long drive. Miles and miles of nothing. We drove for about 71/2 hours and arrived at Niagara Falls, Canada around 5pm. We ate dinner at Coco's at our hotel and then explored the Falls. It was so beautiful as you can see. I felt as if I was on a honeymoon, so romantic.

Picked up lots of gifts. Hailee, I got your water from the Canada side. Tomorrow we are going to walk to the New York side and get your American water.

Carl, dad wanted me to show you the Formula One bottle he picked up in Indy.

Good night everyone, sweet dreams, be back tomorrow night.

PS: everyone has been asking about Flat Stanley. He is a character in a children's story about a little boy who becomes flat when a picture falls on top of him. He then travels all over the country by being mailed in a large envelope. My friend Sharon makes Flat Stanleys with her class and they travel with anyone who is going on a trip. I took Flat Stanley on this trip and he has been very good. He is looking forward to a day at the falls tomorrow.


Chat with Kathleen said...

Thanks for the Stanley explanation.
Cute idea.
I can't believe how fast the time is passing. Enjoy the moments you are having. It is a great second honeymoon. Enjoy!
Life is too short and don't allow these precious memories to be forgotten. You and Carl can reminisce these many great times when you are in your later years together.
Hugs, Sis
BTW, did you play at the casino?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you guys are having a second honeymoon...you so deserve it. We miss you all soo much. Everyone is asking about you guys at school. Can't wait to see you all soon. We are having a little get together when you get back.

A friend always, Emily and the rest of the gang.